"Every day we slaughter our
finest impulses. That is why we get a heartache when we
read those lines
written by the hand of a master and recognize them as our own, as the
tender shoots which we
stifled because we lacked the faith to believe in our own powers,
our own criterion
of truth and beauty. Every man, when he gets quiet, when he becomes
desperately honest with
himself, is capable of uttering profound truths. We all derive
from the same
source. There is no mystery about the origins of things. We are all part of
creation, all kings, all
poets, all musicians; we have only to open up, only to discover
what is already
Henry Miller
"If things are not clear, do
Gerald Loeb
The Battle For Investment Survival
"Stupidity well packaged can
sound like wisdom."
Burton Malkiel
A Random Walk Down Wall Street
"How can men take joy in
nonsense? They do so, wherever there is laughter- in fact,
one can almost say
that wherever there is happiness there is joy in nonsense. It gives us
pleasure to turn
experience into its opposite, to turn purposefulness into purposelessness,
necessity into
arbitrariness, in such a way that the process does no harm and is performed
simply out of high
spirits. For it frees us momentarily from the forces of necessity,
purposefulness, and
experience, in which we usually see our merciless masters. We can
laugh and play when
the unexpected (which usually frightens us and makes us tense) is
discharged without doing
harm. It is the slaves' joy at Saturnalia."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Human, All Too Human
"It takes two to invent
anything. The one makes up combinations; the other chooses,
recognizes what he wishes
and what is important to him in the mass of things which the
former has imparted to
him. What we call genius is much less the work of the first one
than the readiness
of the second one to grasp the value of what has been laid before him
and to choose it.
Paul Valery
"The poet is he who inspires,
rather than he who is inspired."
Paul Eluard
"To make two bald statements:
There's nothing sentimental about a machine, and: A
poem is a small (or
large) machine made of words...When a man makes a poem...[i]t isn't
what he says that
counts as a work of art, it's what he makes."
William Carlos Williams,
Introduction to The Wedge
"There was this kid poet, and
he wrote and wrote. He rubbed the magic lamp until
the poetic
self-abuse police threatened to come impound him. And still nothing happened.
The incantation seemed defective.
Then they put the kid in front of this terminal and
initiated him into the
secret syntax. A few simple rules, combined in a few elegant ways,
and blamm-o. The
thing works. It runs. the world does move. The rules
churn. The
descriptions step their way
through their own internal logic. The lines of code set more
switches, change more
states. Commands produce results.
The word made flesh.
Spiegel flinched. Don't mock me.
I'm not mocking."
Richard Powers
Plowing The Dark
"....chance alone is the
source of every innovation, of all creation in the biosphere.
Pure chance, absolutely free but
blind, at the very root of the stupendous edifice of
evolution: this central
concept of modern biology is no longer one among other possible
or even
conceivable hypotheses. It is today the sole conceivable hypothesis, the only
compatible with observed
and tested fact. And nothing warrants the supposition (or the
hope) that
conceptions about this should, or ever could, be revised."
Jacques Monod
Chance & Necessity
"To chaos, law destroys; to
law, chaos."
John Fowles
The Aristos
" ...'disorder, yes,
my boy, disorder, is the quintessence of your very life! Of your
whole physical and
metaphysical being! Why, it's your very soul...millions, trillions of
folds...plunging deep down into the gray matter, complex, subjacent,
That's Harmony...all nature! A flight into the imponderable! And
nothing else! Put your
wretched thoughts in order...! That's where to begin. Not with
grotesque, material,
negative, obscene substitutions, but with the essential, that's what I'm
getting at. Are you
going to assault the brain, correct it, scrape it, mutilate it, force it to
comply with an
assortment of stupid rules? carve it up geometrically?
recompose it
according to the rules of
your excruciating idiocy?...Arrange it in slices? like
an Epiphany
cake? with a prize in the middle. Tell me that. I'm asking you.
Frankly? Would that by
any good? Would it
make sense? Heaven help us! There's no doubt about it...your soul is
overwhelmed by errors. It
makes you, like so many others, a unanimous nonentity. Great
instinctive disorder is the
father of fertile thoughts! It's the beginning of
everything...Once the
propitious moment has passed there's no hope...You, I'm afraid,
will spend your
whole life in the garbage pail of reason...So much the worse for your!
You're a numbskull...a nearsighted,
blind, preposterous, deaf, one-armed dolt!...befouling
my magnificent
disorder with your vicious reflections. In Harmony...resides
the worlds
only joy! The only
deliverance! The only truth!...Harmony! Find Harmony,
that's the
ticket!...Do you hear
me...? Like a brain, neither more nor less! Order! Pah! Order! Rid
men of that word,
that thing. Accustom yourself to Harmony and Harmony will reward
you. You'll find
everything you've been looking for so long on the highways of the
world...and far more!
Many other things...! A brain...that's what the whole lot of you will
find! Yes!...Have I made myself clear? That's not what you're after? You and your kind?
An inane ambush of pigeonholes! A
barricade of brochures! A house of the dead! A
chartist necropolis! No,
never! Here everything is in movement! Swarming with
You're not satisfied! It stirs, it quivers! Just touch
it! Put out your little finger. Everything
comes to life.
Everything trembles instantly! Asking only to surge up! to
blossom! to
shine! I don't live
by destroying. I take life as it comes! Do you take me for a cannibal...?
on reducing it to my chickenshit concepts? Pah! Everything shakes?
Everything topples? Splendid! I
have no desire to count stars 1! 2! 3! 4! and 5! I'm
the kind that
thinks he's entitled to do anything he pleases. The right to shrink! rectify!
corrupt! prune! transplant!...No!...where
would I get it?...From the Infinite?...From life
itself? It's not
natural, my boy! It's not natural! It's infamous meddling!...I
prefer to keep
on good terms with
the Universe! I take it as I find it!...I'll never
rectify it! No! The
Universe is master of its own
house! I understand it! It understands me! It gives me a
hand when I ask it!
When I'm through with it, I drop it! That's the long and short of
it...It's a
cosmogonic question! I have no orders to give! You have no orders! He has no
orders!...Bah! Bah!
He got sore as hell, like somebody
who's definitely in the wrong... "
Louis-Ferdinand Cline
Death On The Installment Plan
"There are only two things in
the world - semantics and nothing."
Erhard Werner
as quoted in: A. Bry
"Drawing on my fine command of
language, I said nothing. "
Robert Charles Benchley
"...Brahman is the cause of
the many. There is no other cause. And yet Brahman is
independent of the law of
"As to what pertains to
manifestation, the Principle causes the succession of its
phases, but is not
this succession. It is the author of causes and effects, but is not the
causes and
Chuang Tzu
The Book Of Chuang Tzu
"You cannot take hold of it,
but equally you cannot get rid of it,
And while you can do neither, it
goes on its own way."
Yung-chia Ta-shih
"A 'bit' of information is
definable as a difference which makes a difference. Such
a difference, as
it travels and undergoes successive transformation in a circuit, is an
elementary idea."
Gregory Bateson
Steps To An Ecology Of Mind
"Because information does not
inform unless it is received, it does not exist until it
is consumed. It
exists only in its assimilation and dies when it becomes redundant.
Information is intrinsically
sacrificial. What seemed mad and illogical in the old order of
production becomes sane
and logical in the new order of semiotic consumption. So, for
example, the 'insanity'
of sacrifice, of giving something for nothing, becomes the royal
road to the sublime,
not an altruistic act of self-denial."
James Ogilvy
Living Without A Goal
"A type has rightly come to be
recognized as a mental realisation with no bone and flesh
embodiment;...the race
becomes, as it were, a great amoeboid form, with its prepondering
variations thrown out as
pseudopodia feeling towards adaptation."
Arthur Keith
The modes of origin of the carotid and subclavian arteries from the
arch of
the aorta in some
of the higher primates, Journal of Anatomy & Physiology,
"Power is nothing if not the
power to choose...there is all the difference between
deciding and
choosing...Perhaps every human act involves a chain of calculations of what
a system engineer
would call decision nodes. But the difference between a mechanical act
and an
authentically human one is that the latter terminates at a node whose decisive
parameter is not 'Because
you told me to' but 'Because I chose to'. "
Joseph Weizenbaum
Computer Power And Human Reason
must look at all acts of perception as acts of creativity. "
Gerald Edelman
How We Know
Nobel Conference, 1985
searching procedures become, when the search-space is sufficiently
indistinguishable from true creativity."
Richard Dawkins
As quoted in: Kevin Kelly
Out Of Control
"The program found in the head
of the average poet, after all, was written by the
poet's civilization,
and that civilization was in turn programmed by the civilization which
preceded it, and so on
to the very Dawn Of Time, when those bits of information that
concerned the poet-to-be
were still swirling about in the primordial chaos of the cosmic
deep. Hence in order
to program a poetry machine, one would first have to repeat the
entire universe from
the beginning."
Stanislaw Lem
The Cyberiad
"The first umpire
,. . .a man of small knowledge of how meanings are made, says I
calls 'em as they
are. The second umpire, knowing something about human perception
and its
limitations, says 'I calls 'em as I sees 'em.' The third umpire, having studied
Cambridge with Wittgenstein
himself, says 'Until I calls em, they ain't.' "
Neil Postman
Crazy Talk, Stupid Talk
"Symptoms can become
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Philosophical Investigations
"'But how can a rule shew me
what I have to do at this point? Whatever I do is, on
some interpretation,
in accord with the rule.'- That is not what we ought to say, but rather:
any interpretation
still hangs in the air along with what it interprets, and cannot give it
any support.
Interpretations by themselves do not determine meaning. "
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Philosophical Investigations
"Our mistake is to look for an
explanation where we ought to look at what happens
as a
'protophenomenon'. "
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Philosophical Investigations
"I think one reason why the
attempt to find an explanation is wrong is that we have
only to put together
in the right way what we know, without adding anything, and the
satisfaction we are trying
to get from the explanation comes of itself."
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough
"In the use of words one might
distinguish 'surface grammar' from 'depth
grammar'.What immediately
impresses itself upon us about the use of a word is the way
it is used in the
construction of the sentence, the part of its use- one might say- that can be
taken in by the
ear.------- And now compare the depth grammar, say of the word 'to
mean', with what its
surface grammar would lead us to suspect. No wonder we find it
difficult to know our way
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Philosophical Investigations
"I caught this insight on the
way and quickly seized the rather poor words that were
closest to hand to pin
it down lest it fly away again. And now it has died of these arid
words and shakes and
flaps in them - and I hardly know any more when I look at it how I
could ever have felt
so happy when I caught this bird."
Friedrich Nietzsche
The Gay Science
"Once, when the holy man of
Toganoo was journeying along a road he encountered
a man washing a
horse by a river. 'Ashi, ashi', said the man. ['Ashi' means 'leg'. The man
is telling the
horse to lift its leg.] The holy man stopped in his tracks and exclaimed 'How
inspiring! Some deed of
virtue in a previous existence has brought this man
enlightenment! He is reciting
the invocation aji,aji! [The priest believes or
pretends that
the man is saying
aji, the first letter of the Sanskrit alphabet, which has a religious
significance for the
priest.] I wonder whose horse it might be? Such piety overcomes me!'
When he asked about the owner, the
man replied 'The horse belongs to Lord Fush.'
'Splendid!' cried the holy man.
'This is truly a case of ajo hon fush. [The formula ajo hon
fush means that
there is no beginning of creation; that is, that the world has always
existed. The washing
man's phonological prime brings the holy formula to the priest's
mind.] What a
fortunate link you have established with the Way of the Buddha!' He
wiped away the tears
of gratitude."
Essays In Idleness
"Repetition always commits us
to imagining an unknown cause, so true is it that in
the popular
consciousness, the aleatory is always distributive, never repetitive: chance is
supposed to vary events;
if it repeats them, it does so in order to signify something
through them; to repeat
is to signify...."
Roland Barthes
Structure of the Fait-Divers
"Our mistake is to look for an
explanation where we ought to look at what happens
as a
'protophenomenon'. "
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Philosophical Investigations
"Any arrangement of acts and
events is comic which gives us, in a single
combination, the illusion
of life and the distinct impression of a mechanical
Henri Bergson
"A portion of the mind
abundantly commissured to other portions works almost
mechanically. It sinks to a
condition of a railway junction. But a portion of mind almost
isolated, a spiritual
peninsula, or cul-de-sac, is like a railway terminus. Now mental
commisures are habits.
Where they abound, originality is not needed and is not found; but
where they are in
defect, spontaneity is set free. Thus, the first step in the Lamarckian
evolution of mind is the
putting of sundry thoughts into situations in which they are free
to play."
Charles Peirce
Evolutionary Love
"If something is boring after
two minutes, try it for four. If still boring, then eight.
Then sixteen. Then thirty-two.
Eventually one discovers that it is not boring at all."
John Cage
"But just think of the
unfathomable laziness of man; all the schemes which are
supposed to keep him
awake and watchful end up by putting him to sleep. We wear a
hairshirt the way we
might wear a monocle; we sing matins the way other people play
golf. If only
scientists today, instead of constantly inventing new means to make life
easier, would devote
their resourcefulness to producing instruments for rousing man out
of his torpor!
There are machine guns, of course, but that's going a bit too far..."
Rene Daumal
Mount Analogue
I want objects
Like pagan alcohol
To scrawl the stomach of reason
And the cock's crow
To curse the sun
The devil's pastime
Whims what happiness
I proceed entirely
at random.
Francis Picabia
"All messages and parts of
messages are like phrases or segments of equations
which a mathematician
puts in brackets. Outside the brackets there maybe a qualifier or
multiplier which will
alter the whole tenor of the phrase. Moreover, these qualifiers can
always be added, even
years later. They do not have to precede the phrase inside the
brackets. Otherwise,
there could be no psychotherapy...What exists today are only
messages about the past
that we call memories, and these messages can always be framed
and modulated from
moment to moment."
Gregory Bateson
Steps To An Ecology Of Mind
"That is how man's anguish
ends- in masterly conjuring tricks: pure poetry, pure
music, pure thought.
The last man- who has freed himself from all belief, from all
illusions, and has
nothing more to expect or to fear- sees the clay of which he is made
reduced to spirit, and
this spirit has no soil left for its roots, from which to draw its sap.
The last man has emptied himself;
no more seed, no more excrement, no more blood.
Everything having turned into
words, every set of words into musical jugglery, the last
man goes even
further: he sits in his utter solitude and decomposes the music into mute
Nikos Kazantzakis
Zorba, The Greek
"We will never get a calculus
to do all that a natural language such as Inuktitut or
French does because not all the
moves in a natural language are analytic: sometimes
thoughts are connected
by tonal associations; images; family resemblances. Not every
linguistic impulse is
disintegrative; some clear and expressible thoughts aim at a tapestry,
rather than a complex,
or a peak.
Many of our finest expressions slip
through the lattice of even the most most
powerful algebra."
Jan Zwicky
Lyric Philosophy
"Who else but the naive poet
is able to pucker his lips to kiss that old sourpuss, the
world? "
Irving Layton
As quoted in: The Montreal Gazette
October 19, 1985