Conference registration fee includes 3 days conference with coffee and snacks, as well as the opening night reception on Tuesday October 18th.
Conference Fees:
Registration for delegates is $275.00 (CAD).
Registration for post-docs is $225.00 (CAD).
Registration for students is $175.00 (CAD). Student number and name of accredited institution are required.
Banquet: $80 (CAD) per guest (Additional tickets can be purchased if desired)
Lunch and Learn: The conference is also hosting a "Lunch & Learn" opportunity for students and post-doctoral fellows at NO cost. Lunch will be provided and will last approx. one hour (12:15 - 1:15 pm). This event will feature a brief panel presentation with academic, community and industry representatives. There will be opportunity for general discussion, for students and post-doctoral fellows to network and also, discuss how to engage in collaborative research.
The Lunch & Learn networking event is sponsored by the Words in the World Partnership Project, which is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Students and post-doctoral fellows who wish to attend the Lunch & Learn are required to register for the event.
Cancellation Policy: No refunds for cancellations after September 1st, 2016.
To register for the conference, click here.