Welcome to JanusNode!
JanusNode is a user-configurable dynamic textual projective surface. It can create original texts using a rule-based system or can morph your texts using Markov chaining and various other techniques. It has been described (albeit generously) as 'Photoshop for text'.
JanusNode is the direct descendent of an old program called 'McPoet' that I started writing in the mid-80s. The program has been in sporadic but continuous development since that time. I do not intend to definitively stop working on it in my lifetime.
JanusNode is on Twitter. Just like all the cool kids.
JanusNode published its first book on Friday July 13, 2012: You can bring an elephant to a Broadway show, but you cannot make it drink Chablis: 365 computer-generated excuses to converse. Please buy it if it is the sort of thing that someone like you buys. It is a nice way to show your support for JanusNode and have something to show for it (besides your JanusNode).

Download Mac version (v. 3.62v2ish, released January 1, 2019).
Download Windows version (v3.14, released September 8, 2012.) . Including the 'WebPoem' function and a few small bug fixes.
Feel free to send your JanusNode resources (especially TextDNA files) and good JanusNode output. I will post any good stuff on this site.
JanusNodes are free but tips are always welcome!